Design Review for NON-CAD Users

How do you break away from the inefficient workflow of printing hardcopies of a drawing and using a highlighter to markup revisions? You want to take this process into the digital age but how? You have engineers and surveyors who have years of experience but not much experience with AutoCAD. Using Autodesk Design Review® and Autodesk DWG TruView®, both are free programs from Autodesk, you can markup drawings and create digital checklists.

The design review process will enable you to clarify communication by making markups legible, not handwritten scribbles. The design review process will provide your reviewers and CAD techs with a single checklist that is embedded in the drawing you are reviewing. Having your checklist in an easy to use palette inside the CAD environment means no markup gets forgotten or overlooked. You can even compare versions and the program displays color coded changes.

Have you been marking up PDF files? Try opening the PDF using Autodesk Design Review® and using better markup tools then publish your markups to a DWF file.

Hands-on Design Review workflow training can be completed in a day. To learn more about training Schedule a Call.

Below is a workflow presented as a mind map and a flow diagram. (Hint: click the Mindomo logo in the lower left corner to make it full screen)

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.