Tag: Plotting

Color 253 vs Transparency when plotting monochrome

CAD Standards change when a more efficient workflow is developed. NCS adopted the practice of applying color, lineweight, and linetype to the layer instead of using the plot style table to make those effects when plotting. The primary benefit is to reduce the need for plot style tables down to simply changing color to black and white. Now users need to adapt to those practices. Assigning color 253 was once a practice for fading objects. […]

Design Review for NON-CAD Users

Markups on a drawing tell the CAD Tech what changes are needed. Use Design Review to markup drawings and simultaneously create a digital checklist for the CAD Tech. Plotting drawings then scribbling notes on a hardcopy is still a common practice but expensive. Problems and expenses as a result of this manual process can be avoided using Design Review.

PUBLISH in 2009, Batch Plot in 2010.

The PUBLISH command, labeled Batch Plot on the Ribbon, takes on a little different look in 2010 as compared with 2009. The functions in each version appear to be identical yet I found some subtle differences. In 2010 you now have a check box to Open in viewer when done.  In 2010 the 3D DWF and Page Setup columns are separate but the 3D DWF column is inert.  The 3D part has me stumped.  In the Publish dialog there […]