Learn how to protect yourself from being phished
Employers issues like ROI on training, motivating employees to learn on their own, what to outsource, what to do in-house
Learn how to protect yourself from being phished
Markups on a drawing tell the CAD Tech what changes are needed. Use Design Review to markup drawings and simultaneously create a digital checklist for the CAD Tech. Plotting drawings then scribbling notes on a hardcopy is still a common practice but expensive. Problems and expenses as a result of this manual process can be avoided using Design Review.
Yearning for the days when work was falling from the sky into your lap? The new “normal” is a lean organization that has cut costs to the bone. Businesses that continue to provide the same services that are no longer in demand are starving to death. Reinventing your business is easy to say but what does it really mean? I’ve found that many successful people are good at saying “NO”. Its what they refuse to do […]
Below is a combination of good and bad things about AutoCAD’s Search bar for help. The Search Bar in AutoCAD’s title bar can be customized to include your own library of tips and tricks and other documents you may have accumulated. The less than convenient limitation is you must link each file individually. You can also add a link to an RSS Feed through the Communication Center. The disappointing limitation is RSS Feeds are not searchable from the Search Bar in AutoCAD. Clear the “Hide results older than..” check […]
This post is for people new to drawing templates. You have created a custom drawing template by creating a new drawing. You added your title block and border to a layout. How do you use this template to create new drawings?
US National CAD Standard Presentation.
Create a layout for your Project CD Label and add it to your sheet set.
Formal CAD Training and self-taught skills make the best sense for becoming a better CAD user.
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