Editing DTEXT on the Command Line

Sometimes the in-place text editor in AutoCAD is not the best choice for editing text.  Case in point, a customer uses AutoCAD on a job site and the glare makes it harder to read the text when it is inside the in-place text editor.  To enable text editing on the command line change the system variable TEXTED from 2 to 1.

Setting Default Text Size in AutoCAD

Seems like this is the one thing I overlook time and again when working in a new drawing. When I create MTEXT in a blank drawing it never comes out with the right settings on my first attempt. To solve this issue I typed TEXTSIZE on the command line to set the default text height to 0.1.  Note: This setting is stored in the drawing so it would be wise to configure your drawing template […]

Object Enablers* are built into AutoCAD 2012

According to a post (5/26/2011) I read in the AutoCAD LT Discussion Group Object Enablers for AutoCAD Architecture and AutoCAD MEP are now built into AutoCAD 2012.  This info was posted by Kate Morrical, AutoCAD LT Technical Marketing Manager, Autodesk, Inc. *Some Object Enablers are build-in.  Visit http://www.Autodesk.com/oe to get a complete list of available object enablers.

Learn about the AutoCAD® User Interface Quickly.

Here are a few tips to make the AutoCAD User Interface more “discoverable”. You may be just starting to learn AutoCAD, or you want to introduce a newby to AutoCAD or you have been recently stumped on AutoCAD® trivia questions at the office. You are coming from a point of reference where the terminology is unfamiliar.  Read further and get a very quick, very convenient overview of the parts of the AutoCAD User Interface (UI).

Become visible and valuable or starve to death

Yearning for the days when work was falling from the sky into your lap?  The new “normal” is a lean organization that has cut costs to the bone.  Businesses that continue to provide the same services that are no longer in demand are starving to death.  Reinventing your business is easy to say but what does it really mean?  I’ve found that many successful people are good at saying “NO”.  Its what they refuse to do […]

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